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Texas Southeast Third Jurisdiction was established in 1956 when the state of Texas was divided into four jurisdictions. An influential R.E. Ranger was consecrated Bishop of Texas Southeast by Bishop Charles H. Mason. Bishop Ranger served as jurisdictional prelate for more than 250 churches stretching from the Texas Gulf Coast to East Texas boundaries of Louisiana and Arkansas. Bishop Ranger was a trailblazer, becoming one of the first African-American preachers to conduct a radio broadcast west of the Mississippi River. Families would gather around their radios to hear the distinct voice of the "Texas Ranger." Bishop Ranger would serve as the leader for Texas Southeast until his death in 1992.

The Church of God in Christ General Board then consecrated Dr. C.L. Bryant as the next Bishop of Texas Southeast Third Jurisdiction. Bishop Bryant, "The Preacher's Preacher" was anointed as one of God's greatest mouthpieces. People would come from far and near when the word spread that Bishop C. L. Bryant would be the messenger. He had the privilege of representing Texas Southeast Third as the keynote speaker on several occasions during The Church of God in Christ Holy Convocation gatherings in Memphis, Tennessee. Bishop Bryant led the Texas Southeast Third until he went from earth to glory in 2017.

At that time, the mantle to lead this historic jurisdiction fell upon Bishop T.T. Terry, Sr. He was officially appointed to serve as leader in November 2017 during the Church of God in Christ Holy Convocation in St. Louis. Bishop T.T. Terry had previously been consecrated as an Auxiliary Bishop in the Church in 2015. This servant leader has given his life to help others find their place in the Kingdom. He is poised to continue the vision of the legendary men that have gone before him. The Texas Southeast Third Jurisdiction is moving toward Greater.

Texas Southeast Third
Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction
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